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Thyroid disorders and menopause

Thyroid dysfunction is ten times more likely to occur in women than men and is increasingly common during and after the menopause making this a very important aspect of women’s health.

Nature dictates that all women will go through the menopause. Many will also have co-existing thyroid disease. Managing both effectively, tailored to individual needs, improves one’s health and can also significantly enrich one’s quality of life.

Thyroid disease occurs when too much or too little of these hormones are made. There are many reasons way this occurs including disruptions in the signalling pathways, autoimmune thyroid disease, post operative consequences and most commonly idiopathically (just one of those things!).

Hear from one of our doctors

It is a fascinating gland that I think of as the engine room of the body, controlling our metabolism through an intricate and silent system of hormone production and feedback loops.

Dr Amy Lewis

Our doctors who specialise in thyroid disorders

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Dr Amy Lewis

Menopause Doctor

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Dr Catherine Napier

Menopause Doctor

Thyroid Health
Surgical Menopause
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